Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment

Objective: Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment planner allow user to plan and conduct HSE Assessment using the system.


Image 1

  1. Login as “System Administrator”.
  2. Click Configuration| HSE Assessment| HSE Assessment Planner to open “HSE assessment Planner” screen (Image 1).
  3. Select Branch, Year, Month to plan HSE Assessment.
  4. Click “Add Detail” button to add a plan.
  5. Select Department from drop down list.
  6. Select Type of Assessment as Sub Contractor to plan Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment.
  7. Select Contractor/Sub-Contractor from drop down list.
  8. Click add button to add in “Team Member” column to add the Team member.
  9. A pop up entry field will be opened when add button is clicked. Enter audit team member name in an auto fill text box. (Name will be displayed automatically when first 3 characters are typed). Then click save button to save the member details.
  10. Click Save button to save and click delete button to delete plan.
  11. Click “Submit” button to save the data and make a plan complete.

Note :

  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.