Search Near miss

Objective: It allows user to view the near miss reports, export the report to excel and pdf using the system.


Image 1

  1. Login as the role who can view and download the Near-miss report and go to Near-miss | Search Near-miss Report screen. (Image 1)
  2. Select search criteria such as Date, Time line, Branch, Department, Job Number/ Project, Status, Select Report as per requirement.
  3. Click “Search” button to populate incident details in a tabular format.
  4. Click “Reset” button to clear all the selection criteria and refresh report screen.
  5. Click “Export to Excel” button on top right corner of the screen to export the report to excel spread sheet.
  6. Click “Export to PDF” button on top right corner of the screen to export the report to PDF file.
  7. Click Event Date and Time, Job Number/ Project, Location, Department, Status, Description, Investigation Date, Reported By, Reported by Department, Reported Date header on report table to view the Event Date and Time, Job Number/ Project, Location, Department, Status, Description, Investigation Date, Reported By, Reported by Department, Reported Date in ascending/descending order.
  8. Select Report from drop down list in Report column to download in PDF format. Type of reports are mentioned below.
    • Notification Report : The report contains the notification history and general details.
    • Summary Report : The report contains basic details, investigation details, property damage details, cause and injury person details.
    • Detail Report : The report contains all the details about and incident reported.
  9. Click “Report No” in Report column to open report in view mode.

Note :

  • Reviewer can not edit the report contents.
  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.