Near miss

Objective: To report occurrence of any incident within the plant during day-to-day activity but did not harm to anyone. It allows user to report, review and approve/reject incident using the system.

Below steps to be followed to complete an incident report:

  1. Report Near-miss: To review the created incident by “Operations Manager”.
  2. Review Incident: To review the created incident by “Branch HSE Head”.
  3. Review Near-miss by Branch HSE Officer: Selected person from Branch HSE Officer will Review the Near-miss and send for Investigation or approve and close Near-miss.
  4. Near-miss Investigation: Investigation will be done by Investigation team members and send for Branch HSE Head review.
  5. Review Near-miss Investigation: by selected person of Branch HSE Head.
  6. Review Incident Investigation by Department Head: Selected person from Department Head will Review the investigation and Approve Near-miss.


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  1. Select the Branch, Department, Job Number/ Project, Company Employee/Sub-Contractor Employee, Near-miss Category, Risk Exposure, Hazard and Equipment Type from drop down list which are mandatory to select.
  2. If Company Employee/Sub-Contractor Employee is selected as Sub-Contractor Employee then select Sub-Contractor Compony from provided drop down list.
  3. Select “Event Date” and enter “Event Time”.
  4. Enter “Description of Near miss” which is mandatory to enter. (Maximum 4000 characters allowed to enter)
  5. Enter “Immediate Action Taken (Also mention who visited site first and what action was proposed by him? if applicable)” which is not mandatory to enter. (Maximum 4000 characters allowed to enter)
  6. Enter “Incident Reported By”. Name, Department and Contact will be populated automatically the person currently login the system.
  7. “Reviewer Person from Operations Manager” will be populated automatically according to the selection of Branch and Department.
  8. Select person from drop down list.
  9. Click Attach button to select file as attachment.
  10. Click Upload button to upload the attached file and click Delete button to delete the file. (Each attachment files size upload limit up to 5MB and number of file attachment allow up to 20. Attachment files extension would be allowed such as “.JPEG, .PNG, .BMP, .XLS, .XLSX, .DOC, .DOCX, .RTF, .PDF, .MP3, .MP4 and .M4A”)
  11. In-case of multiple attachments click “Upload All” button to upload all attached files/images at a time.
  12. Click “Submit” button to save the entered data.
  13. Click “Save As Draft” button to save the entered data without send for review.

Note :

  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.