Safety Patrol

Objective: An Safety Patrol planner allow user to plan and conduct and safety patrol using the system.


Image 1

  1. Login as “System Administrator”.
  2. Click Configuration | Safety Patrol | Planner to open “Planner” screen (Image 1).
  3. Select Year, Planner Type As “Safety Patrol” and Branch to plan a safety patrol. (Safety Patrol will be planned for a particular financial year which is from April to March)
  4. Click Edit button to plan for particular role.
  5. After Edit select frequency and Count to plan no. of safety patrol for particular frequency.
  6. Click Save button to save plan.
  7. Click “Submit” button to save the data and make a plan complete.

Note :

  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.
  • Safety Patrol will be planned for a particular financial year which is from April to March.